S.T.A.R. News & Events

Here are S.T.A.R.’s upcoming exciting events:

October 16th

The most magnificent Sukka party EVER at the Levy’s!!! For Kids Ages 7-12 and Teens Ages 13-18.
Click here for the applications!

October 29th

The scariest night out with the STAR Gang. Join us for the fun of your life at Knott’s Scary Farm!
Click for application.

Chag Sukkot / This Shabbat


Sukkot Day 1:
Wednesday Candle Lighting: 6:06pm

Sukkot Day 2:
Thursday Candle Lighting: 7:00pm

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukka:

Candle Lighting: 6:03pm
Shabbat Ends: 6:58pm

Torah Message


One of the many touching stories told about the late, great Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zatzal, deals with the mystery surrounding the reason why this Torah giant was in Tel Aviv, away from the sacred Jerusalem where he was born and lived all his life.

It was on the occasion of the wedding of his nephew, an orphan from both parents, who became his charge. Rabbi Auerbach led him to the chuppa which took place in Tel Aviv and stayed overnight in that city. The nephew, who later became the rabbi of the Ramat Chen community in Tel Aviv, did not understand why his uncle did this very uncharacteristic thing until the day that he himself arranged a wedding for an orphaned chatan.

“I hope you will conduct yourself with this orphaned chatan as I did with you,” cautioned his uncle.

When the nephew failed to comprehend the hint, his uncle explained. A chatan and akalla receive many beautiful gifts at their wedding, and one of their happiest moments is when they can show off the gifts to their parents. Since the orphaned chatan had no parents to whom he could show those gifts, his uncle, with the proper sensitivity of a great Torah scholar, stayed overnight so that he could provide the newly married couple with this special simcha.


Rabbi M. Weiss                                                  Rabbi Y. Sakhai

Community News


Em Habanim Congregation

Weekly Parashat Hashavua class with Rabbi Joshua Bittan on Wednesdays at 8:30pm for more info. visit www.emhabanim.com

Em Habanim Congregation’s annual banquet will be held on Sunday  the 6th of November, 2011. The honored Guests are: Mark Castiel, Andre Chrique and Johnny Elbaz Deckel.
Em Habanim will be celebrating close to 40 years of service to the community.

Volunteers needed

Volunteers are needed for mitzvot ofHessed including Bikur Holim . Pleasecall the office (818) 762-7779 to inform of your availability. Thank you

Sephardic Temple:

Mark your calendars:

Saturday, November 5th, 2011 A Gal celebration honoring the 2011 Sephardic Heritage award recipients Mr. Larry Clumeck and Dr. Samuel Newman.
For more info. visit sephardictemple.org

Get Well Soon


We wish a speedy recovery for all the Jews that may need it where ever they may be and especially for:

Em Habanim:

Max Barchichat From Sephardic Temple: Al Azus,Buena Angel,
Elaine Leon,Itzchak Rachmanony

From S.T.A.R.:

Mordechai Chaim Ben Chana, Chaim Ben Buena,
Meshulam Dov Ben Chana Sarah
Bracha Eliza Bat Ehteram, Bracha Sara Chaya Bat Ronit

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